Biogenic Amines and the States of Sleep
Michel Jouvet
Science 163 (862) pages : 32-41 (1969)


The Four Major Concepts

Biogenic Amines and the Sleep States

Insomnia Following Selective Decrease of Cerebral Serotonin

The Problem of Paradoxical Sleep



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The Four Major Concepts

Sleep, an active phenomenon. Until recently neurophysiologists had considered sleep to be a unique passive state opposed to waking. With the discovery of the ascending reticular activating system (1), waking could be explained in terms of an increase in the activity of this activating system, and sleep, in terms of the passive dampening of the system (2). This theory requires only one system to explain the succession from waking to sleep and thus obeys the law of economy according to which a living organism always selects the simplest possible means of realizing a potential function. This theory of sleep was widely accepted initially but has since been drastically challenged.

The finding that sleep could be induced by electrical stimulation of different parts of the brain was at variance with the passive theory of sleep. How ever the "passive theorists" could easily defend their position by questioning the validity of electrical stimulation. It is exceedingly difficult to conceive of a system of sleep as diffuse as that suggested by studies of stimulation; sleep can be induced by stimulation of many different parts of the brain, including those which overlap the ascending reticular activating system: cortex, thalamus, subthalamus, hypothalamus, mesencephalon, pons, cerebellum, medulla, spinal cord, sensory nerves, and so on (3). In the absence of stimulation a cat with electrodes permanently implanted in its brain may sleep "spontaneously" 60 to 70 percent of the time (4). Thus the probability that the cat will "fall asleep" spontaneously after electrical stimula tion of the brain is greater than the chance level; very few experiments deal ing with "hypnogenic" stimulation (electrical or chemical) provided conclusive and statistically significant data. Finally it was realized that sleep could be induced only by stimulation of low frequency corresponding to the frequency of the sleep spindles. In sum, the finding that sleep could be induced by stimulation was not a major proof that the passive theory of sleep was invalid.

To prove the existence of an active sleep-inducing system it was necessary to produce a state of insomnia by means of a lesion destroying this system. The first step in this direction was transection of the brain stem immediately be low the ascending reticular activating system. A mid-pontine transection was shown to produce a definite increase in waking behavior and in electroencephalographic traces characteristic of waking (5). This suggested that synchronizing or hypnogenic structures were located in the lower brain stem. However, limited lesions in many structures of the pons or the medulla (mostly in the lateral part of the lower brain stem) did not reveal a definite location of these hypnogenic structures (6). Nevertheless, in 1960 most neurophysiologists were ready to accept the hypothesis that there are sleep-inducing mechanisms which can actively dampen the activity of the ascending reticular activating system.

This concept was more readily accepted when, at about the same time, new and conclusive data indicated that sleep could not be considered a unique phenomenon opposed to waking but did in fact, at least in the mammalian and avian brain, consist of two successive states.

Sleep or sleeps. The concept of the dichotomy of sleep has very ancient roots, predating even modern physiology (7). Major advances are marked by publications that appeared in the late 1950's (8). Since this topic has been the subject of many recent reviews (9), I shall survey it very rapidly.

In brief, the mammalian sleeping brain successively passes through two states which can be recognized very easily through the application of poly graphic techniques in the study of ani mals with electrodes permanently im planted in the brain ( Fig. 1).

The first state has been called slow wave sleep (10). In this state the animal has a posture characteristic of sleep, its eyes are closed, and the pupils are myotic. A degree of postural tonus al ways remains in some muscle groups of the body (including those of the neck). The electrical activity of the cortex is characterized by spindles and slow waves.

After a time this state is succeeded by a totally different state. I have given it the name of paradoxical sleep (11) because I found that the association of a cortical activity similar to that of waking with a total absence of electromyo graphic activity associated with muscular activity of the neck appeared paradoxical. Paradoxical sleep has two different phenomenological aspects, which may be described briefly as follows.

1 ) Tonic activity. There is a fast, low-voltage cortical activity similar to that of waking, associated with a regular theta rhythm in the hippocampus and a total disappearance of electromyographic evidence of muscular activity. Tonic phenomena persist for several minutes and are accompanied by phasic behavioral and electrical phenomena which are highly characteristic of paradoxical sleep in most mammals.

2) Phasic activity. Rapid eye movements (50 to 60 per minute) occur in a rather stereotyped pattern which is different from that of waking. They are associated with a cortical and subcortical activity which has been termed pontogeniculo-occipItal. activity, or deep sleep waves (12, 13). Such phasic activity is composed of high-voltage waves which can be recorded from the reticular formation of the pons, from the lateral geniculate, and from the occipItal. cortex. They are almost identical to those recorded during visual attention (13). Apparently these "PGO" waves occur in a rather fixed pattern, since they occur at a fairly constant daily rate in the cat (14,000 + 3000 waves per day) (14). They occur transiently during slow-wave sleep, and they always precede paradoxical sleep by some 30 to 45 seconds. Their rate during paradoxical sleep is also fairly constant (0 + 5 waves per minute). The inner most mechanism of these PGO waves is a fascinating problem which has not yet been solved, despite many investigations (12, 13, 15). During paradoxical sleep a "spontaneous" activity occurs periodically which resembles the electrical activity of visual input during waking. Neurophysiological evidence suggests that, during this state of sleep, active phenomena are triggering electrical events (PGO waves) and behavioral events (rapid eye movements) which may have earlier counterparts in the waking events of visual input. This suggestion may provide a cue for understanding the function of paradoxical sleep.

This brief description of the phenomenological events occurring during slow wave sleep and paradoxical sleep is certainly not sufficient to prove that these two types of sleep are associated with two different functional states of the brain. However, this association has heen well demonstrated by the finding that paradoxical sleep may be selectively suppressed without altering slow-wave sleep, through the use of various drugs and through specific lesions. These neuropharmacological and neurophysiological data favoring a dualistic theory of sleep are strongly supported by ontogenic and phylogenic studies.

Numerous investigations (16) have shown that, immediately after birth, most newborn mammals of species whose central nervous system is incompletely developed at birth (for example, the cat, rat, and rabbit) manifest only the succession from waking to paradoxical sleep. Slow-wave sleep appears later, when the maturation of the cortical network is achieved. In newborn mammals of species whose central nervous system is well developed at birth (for example, the guinea pig and lamb), slow-wave sleep and paradoxical sleep alternate in a periodic fashion immediately after birth.

Even if the phylogenetic story of sleep is far from complete, the dichotomy between slow-wave sleep and paradoxical sleep has been well demonstrated. Paradoxical sleep has been shown to be absent in fish (17), probably absent in reptiles (18), present but very short-l;ved in birds (19), and present in every mammalian form studied up to now, from the opposum (20) to the elephant (21) and, of course, man (8).

In summary, in phenomenological, neuropharmacological, neurophysiological, ontogenic, and phylogenic studies, two qualitatively different states of sleep involving two different mechanisms and probably serving two different functions are distinguishable.

Quantitative aspect of the sleep states. The first step in the study of the sleep states was description of their qualitative patterns. During this time no quantitative study of sleep was attempted, due especially to economic and technical difficulties. Recent data, however, have shown that the sleep states are, like the rectal temperature, the heart rate, and the basic metabolism, a biological constant (4). It is thus possible to consider slow-wave sleep and paradoxical sleep as a quantitative index of the innermost mechanisms of the brain. This advance has made it possible to study the sleep states in relation to quantitative alterations in brain func tion such as result from drug injection or limited brain lesion, or in relation to data obtained through biochemical analysis. It is also possible to correlate the circadian variation of the sleep states with the circadian biochemical variation in the brain (22).

Sleep is a subject of "wet" neurophysiology.

With the advent of a growing interest in the biochemistry of the nervous system, F.O. Schmidt has introduced the terms "dry" and "wet" neurophysiology, with reference, respectively, to the electrical and the neurohumoral phenomena (23). Ten years ago the passive theory of sleep could be relatively easily explained in terms of dry-neurophysiology mechanisms (for example, the reduction of afferent input to the ascending reticular activating system, neuronal fatigue, and so on) (2). When it was realized that sleep is a diffuse system, a dry-neurophysiology mechanism could no longer explain the circadian variations of the organism. The time constant of the electrical potentials of the brain is of the order of milliseconds and can therefore not be that of the circadian or ultradian rhythmicity of the sleep states. This concept is most conclusively demonstrated by the alteration in sleep states that is effected by selective deprivation of paradoxical sleep (24). Following such deprivation, a long-lasting , rebound of paradoxical sleep (increases in frequency of phase and frequency of PGO waves) (14) occurs, which usually lasts for a period approximately half the duration of the deprivation. No dry neurophysiology mechanism, however sophisticated, can explain this rebound phenomenon, which may last for several days or even weeks.

Thus any theory of sleep must depend upon the concept of wet neurophysiology for its validity.

In summary, recent major advances in the neurophysiology of sleep have led to the following concepts.

1) Sleep is an active state of the brain. Thus, it should be possible to produce insomnia through circumscribed lesion of the brain.

2) Sleep is not a single phenomenon but, instead, consists of two different states which involve two different mech anisms of the brain. Thus it should be possible to selectively suppress either slow-wave sleep or paradoxical sleep by limited lesion or by drugs.

3) The sleep states can be quantita tively measured. Thus it should be possible to correlate their quantity with any suitable quantitative biochemical, neuropharmacological, or structural alteration.

4) Biochemical mechanisms which cannot be explained exclusively in terms of short-term neuronal mechanism are involved in sleep states.

Group Number in Group Amount of Slow Wave Sleep (%) Amount of Paradoxical Sleep (%) % of raphe Intact P* % of cerebral sertonin P* % of cerebral noradrenalin P*
A 12 48.5+-7.5 9.5+-2.5 95.4+-12 - 90+-23 - 102+-17  
B 6 30+-2.7 5.5+-2.7 77.5+-19 .02 68+-18 .10 99+-22 NS
C 10 16.5+-2.2 1+-0.7 64+-8.5 .001 54+-22 .01 93+-17 NS
D 6 9+-1.5 0 35+-10 .001 29+-11 .001 92.5+-17 NS

* Student's t-test values for P obtained by comparison with group A; NS; not significant. Each P column refers to the column that immediately precedes it.

Table 1. Comparison, for various groups of cats with brain lesions, of (i) the amount of sleep following surgery, expressed as a percentage of total recording time (10 to 13 days); (ii) the percentage of the raphe system left intact; and (iii) the amounts of serotonin and noradrenalin in the brain rostral to the lesion, expressed as percentages of the amounts in the brains of normal control cats. The group divisions are based on the extent of the lesion and the amount of sleep following surgery: (A) cats with insignificant destruction of the raphe system-an amount having no effect on sleep; (B and C) cats with major but less than total destruction of the raphe system; (D) cats with almost total destruction of the raphe system. The percentages are mean values for an entire group, plus standard deviation.

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  • 1- G Moruzzi and H. W. Magoun
    Electroencephalog. Clin. Neurophysiol. 1, 445 (1949).
  • 2 - F. Bremer
    in Brain Mechanisms and Consciousness, E. D. Adrian, F. Bremer, H. H. Jasper, Eds. (Blackwell, Oxford, 1954), pp. 137-162; F. Bremer, Schweiz. Arch. Neurol. Neurochir. Psychiat. 86, 34 (1960); N. Kleitman, Sleep and Wakefulness (Univ. of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1963); D. B. Lindsley, in Handbook of Physiology and Neurophysiology, J. Field H. W. Magoun, V. E. Hall, Eds.(American Physiological Society, Washington, 20 D.C., 1960), vol. 1, p. 1553; for the historical development of the passive hypothesis of sleep, see G. Moruzzi, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc. 108, 19 (1964).
  • 3- See P. L. Parmeggiani
    in Progress in Brain Research, Topics in Basic Neurology, W. Batgmann and J. L. Schadé, Eds. (Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1964), references pp. 180-190.
  • 4 - The mean percentages of slow-wave sleep and paradoxical sleep in the adult cat are, respectively, 53 and 16 percent of a 24-hour day; the mean duration of paradoxical-sleep episodes is 6 minutes. See F. Delorme, P. Vimont, D. Jouvet, Compt. Rend. Soc. Biol. 158, 2128 (1964); M. B. Sterman, T. Knauss, D.Lehmann, C. D. Clemente Electroencephalog. Clin. Neurophysiol. 19, 509 (1965).
  • 5 - C. Batini, G. Moruzzi, M. Palestini, G. F Rossi, A. Zanchetti
    Science 128, 30 (1958); C Batini F Magni, M. Palestini G F. Rossi A. Zanchetti, Arch. Ital. Biol. 97,13 (1959).
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  • 7 - F. Fontana
    Dei moti pell'iride (Giusti, Lucca, 1765); R. Klaue, J. Psychol. Neurol. Leipzig 47, 510 (1937).
  • 8 - E. Aserinsky and N. Kleitman
    J. Appl. Physiol. 8, 1 (1955); W, C. Dement and N. Kleitman, Electroencephalog. Clin. Neurophysiol. 9, 673 (1957); W. C. Dement, ibid. 10, 291 (1958), M. Jouvet, F. Michel, J. Courjon, Compt. Rend. Soc. Biol. 153, 101 (1959).
  • 9 - F. Snyder
    Amer. J. Psychiat. 122, 377 (1965); W. C. Dement, in New Directions in Psychology, T, M. Newcomb, Ed (Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, New York, 1965), vol. 2, p. 135; M. Jouvet Physiol. Rev. 47, 117 (1967); W. P. Koella Sleep (Thomas, Springffeld, ID.,1967 ); E. Hartmann, The Biology of Dreaming (Thomas, Springfield, 111., 1967).
  • 10 - Slow-wave sleep is also called light sleep,deep sleep, synchronized sleep, and non-rapid eye-movement sleep.
  • 11 - Paradoxical sleep is also called activated sleep, deep sleep, desynchronized sleep, rapid eye-moyement or REM sleep, para sleep, and rhombencephalic sleep. Since dreaming occurs almost exclusively during this sleep state, it is also called dreaming sleep or D-state.
  • 12 - M. Jeannerod J. Mouret M. Jouvet
    J. Physiol. Paris 57, 255 (1965); F. Michel, M. Jeannerod, J. Mouret, A. Rechstchaffen, M. Jouvet Compt. Rend. Soc. Biol. 158, 103 (1964;- J. Mouret, M. Jeannerod, M. Jouvet, J. Physiol. Paris 55, 305 (1963); M. Jeannerod, thesis. University of Lyons (1965).
  • 13 - D. C. Brooks and E. Bizzi
    Arch. Ital. Biol. 101, 648 (1963); D. C. Brooks, paper presented before the Association for the Psychophysiological Study of Sleep, Denver, 1968.
  • 14 - D. Peyrethon-Duzan, J. Peyrethon, M. Jouvet
    Comp. Rend. Soc. Biol. 161, 2530 (1967).
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    Arch. Ital. Biol. 101, 666 (1963), O. Benoit J. Physiol. Paris 56, 259 (1964); O, Pompeiano and A. R. Morrison, Arch. Ital. Biol. 103, 569 (1965); M. Jouvet, M. Jeannerod, J. F. Delorme, Compt. Rend. Soc. Biol. 159, 1599 (1965).
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    Electroencephalog. Clin. Neurophysiol. 17, 218 (1964); J. Cadilhac, T. Passouant-Fontaine, P. Passouant, J. Physiol. Paris 54, 305 (1962); D. Jouvet-Mounier, thesis University of Lyons 1968); and L. Astic, Compt. Rend. Soc. Biol. 156, 1411 (1967); A. Shimizu and H. E. Him wich, Electroencephalog. Clin. Neurophysiol. 24, 307 (1968) H. P. Roffwarg, J. N. Muzio, W. C. Dement Science 152, 604 (1966).
  • 17 - J. Peyrethon and D. Peyrethon-Duzan
    Compt. Rend. Soc. Biol. 161, 2533 (1967).
  • 18 - H. Hermann, M. Jouvet, M. Klein
    Compt. Rend. 258, 2175 (1964); E. S. Tauber, H. P Roffwarg, E. D. Weitzman, Nature 212, 1612 (1966)- A. Rechtschaffen, M. Bassan, S. Ledecky-Tanecek, paper presented before the Association for the Psychophysiological Study of Sleep, Denver, 1968.
  • 19 - M. Klein F. Michel, M. Jouvet
    Compt. Rend. Soc. Biol. 158, 99 (1964); T. Ookawa and J. Gotoh, Poultry Sci., 43, 1603 (1964); V. Tradardi, Arch. Ital. Biol. 104, 516 (1966; M. A. Corner, J. J, Peters, P. Rutgers van der Loeff, Brain Res, 2, 274 (1966).
  • 20 - F Snyder
    Amer. J. Psychiat. 123 121 (1966).
  • 21 - E. Hartmann, J. Bernstein, C. Wilson
    Psychophysiology 4, 389 (1968).
  • 22 - P. Albrecht, M. B. Vissher, J. J. Bittner, F. Halberg
    Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. 92, 703 (1956); L. E. Scheving, W. H. Harrison, P. Gordon,J. E. Pauly, Amer. J. Physiol. 214, 166 (1968) .
  • 23 - F. O. Schmitt
    in Macro-molecular Specificity and Biological Memory, F. O. Schmitt,Ed. (M.l.T. Press, Cambridge, 1962).
  • 24 - W. Dement
    Science 131, 1705 (1960); D. Jouvet, P. Vimont, F. Delorme, M. Jouvet, Compt. Rend. Soc. Biol. 158, 756 (1964); P. Vimont, D. Jouvet, J. F. Delorme, Electroencephalog. Clin. Neurophysiol. 20, 439 (1966); W. C. Dement, P, Henry, H. Cohen, J. Ferguson, Sleep and Altered States of Consciousness, S. S. Kety E. V. Evarts, H. L. Williams, Eds. (Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore,1967) .
  • 25 - C. E. Spooner and W. D. Winters
    Experientia 21, 256 (1965); In. J. Neuropharmacol. 5, 217 (1966); ibid. 6, 109 (1967).
  • 26 - W. P. Koella C. M. Trunca, J. S. Szicman
    Life Sci. 4, 1;3 (1965); W. P. Koella and J.S. Czicman, Amer. J. Physiol. 211, 926 (1966); I X. Lebedur and R. Tissot, Electroencephalog. Clin. Neurophysiol. 20 (1965).
  • 27 - W. Feldberg and S. L. Sherwood
    J. Physiol. London 123, 148 (1954)- P. B. Bradley and A. J. Hance, ibid. 132, 50 (1956); E. R. John, B. M. Wenzel, R. D. Tschirgi, J. Pharmacol. Exp.Therap. 123, 193 (1958).
  • 28 - D. F. Bogdanski, H. Weissbach, S. Udenfriend
    J. Pharmacol. Exp. Therap. 122, 182 (1958); M. Monnier and R. Tissot, Helv. Physiol. Pharmacol. Acta 16 255 (1958); E. Costa, G. R. Pscheidt, W. G. van Meter, H.E. Himwich, J. Pharmacol. Exp. Therap. 130,81 (1960).
  • 29 - F. Delorme
    thesis, University of Lyons (1966).
  • 30 - M. Jouvet
    in Sleep and Alrered States of Consciousness, S, S. Kety, E. V. Evarts, H. L. Williams, Eds. (Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, 1967),
  • 31 - B. J. Key and E. Marley
    Electroencephalog. Clin. Neurophysiol. 14, 90 (1962); C. E. Spooner and W. D. Winters, Int. J. Neuropharmacol. 6, 109 (1967); M. Momnier and R. Tissot, Helv. Physiol. Pharmacol. Acta 16,255 (1958).
  • 32 - H. Blaschko, K. H. Burn, H. Langemann
    Brit. J. Pharmacol. 5, 431 (1950).
  • 33 - V. Havlicek
    Int. J. Neuropharmacol. 6, 83 (1967) .
  • 34 - The state of "tranquility" produced by reserpine led to the hypothesis that serotonin could be involved in parasympathetic (trophotropic) mechanisms of sleep; see B. A. Brodie. P. A. Shore, A. Pletscher, Science 123, 993 (1956), B. A. Brodie, K. F. Finger, F.B. Orlans, G. P. Quinn, F. Sulser, J. Pharmacol. Exp. Therap. 129, 250 (1960).
  • 35 - J. Matsumoto and M. Jouvet
    Compt. Rend. Soc. Biol. 158, 2135 (1964) F. Delorme, M. Jeannerod, M. Jouvet, ibid. 159, 900 (1965).
  • 36 - M. Jouvet, P. Vimont, J. F. Delorme
    ibid p. 1595.
  • 37 - B. Falck
    in Progress in Brain Research, H.G. Himwich, Ed. (Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1964), p. 28- B. Falck N. A. Hillarp, G. Thieme, A Torp, J. Histochem. Cytochem. 10, 348 (1962); A. Dahlstrom and K. Fuxe, Acta Physiol. Scand. Suppl. 232, 1 (1964); ibid. 247, 5 (1965); K. Fuxe, Z. Zelforsch.Mikroskop. Anat. Abt. Histochemie 65, 573 ( 1965 ) .
  • 38 - A. Brodal E. Taber, F. Walberg
    J. Comp. Neurol., 239 (1960).
  • 39 - A. Heller and R. Y. Moore
    J. Pharmacol. Exp. Therap. 150 1 (1965), J. A. Harvey, A. Heller, R. Y. Moore, ibid. 140, 103 (1963); A. Heller, J. A. Haney, R. Y. Moore, Biochem. Pharmacol. 11, 859 (1962).
  • 40 - It is not surprising that, if this procedure is not followed, attempts to correlate serotonin concentrations in rostral parts of the brain with the electrical activity of the cortex after eitber midpontine transection (which leads to fast, low-voltage activity) or rostropontine transection (which leads to synchronized acticity) have produced negative results in short term experiments (R. A. Antonelll, G. Bertac cini, P. Mantegazzini, J. Neurochem. 8, 157 (1961))
  • 41 - K. B. Koe and A. Weissman
    J. Pharmacol. Exp. Therap, 154, 499 ( 1967 ) .
  • 42 - F. Delorme, L. Froment, M. Jouvet
    Compt. Rend. Soc. Biol. 160, 2347 (1966); J. Mouret, J. L. Froment, P. Bobillier, M. Jouvet, J. Physiol. Paris 59, 463 (1967). p-Chloromethamphetamin has been shown to produce a selective decrease of serotonin [A. Pletscher, G.Bartholini, H. Bruderer, W. P. Burkard, K. F. Gey, J. Pharmacol. 145, 344 (1964)]. Also, my associates and I found that this drug induces a very marked arousal which coincides with the depletion of brain serotonin. However, a secondary injection of 5-hydroxytryptophan does not restore normal sleep and has always been followed shonly by the death of the animal.
  • 43 - W. P. Koella
    paper presented before the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, Puerto Rico, 1967.
  • 44 - J. Mouret, P, Bobillier, M. Jouvet
    Compt. Rend. Soc. Biol. 161, 1600 (1967); J. Mouret, P. Bobillier N, Frachon, A. Vilpulla, M. Jouvet European J. Pharmacol., in press; C. Torda Brain Res. 6, 375 (1967).
  • 45 - T. J Crowley, E. Smith, 0. F. Lewis
    paper presented before the Association for Psychophysiological Study of Sleep, Denver, 1968; E. D, Weitzman, M. Rapport, P. McGregor, J. Jacoby, Science 160, 1361 (1968).
  • 46 M. Jouvet and J. Renault
    Compt Rend. Soc. Biol. 160, 1461 (1966); M. Jouvet, P. Bobillier, J F. Pujol, J. Renault, ibid., p. 2343; M. Jouvet, in Advances in Pharmacology, S. Garattini and P. A. Shore, Eds. (Academic Press, New York, 1968 ); J, Renault, thesis, University of Lyons (1967).
  • 47 - These results may explain the relative insomnia following mid-pontine transections (4), since destruction of the raphe system caudal to this plane would produce the same amount of sleep (20 percent). The insomnia that follows surgical splitting of the brain stem may also be explained by these results as this procedure (sagittal transection) inevitably involves the destruction of numerous raphe neurons [F. Michel and M. P. Roffwarg, Experientia 23, 126 (1967); M. Mancia, T. Desiraju, G. S. Chhina, Electroencephalog. Clin. Neurophysiol. 24, 409 (1968)].
  • 48 - E. Hartmann and D. Freedman
    paper presented before the Association for the Psychophysiological Study of Sleep, Gainesvflle,Florida 1966- E. L. Bliss, in Sleep and Altered States of Consciousness, S. S. Kety, E.V. Evarts, H. L. Williams, Eds. (Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, 1967).
  • 49 - E. Weiss, B. Bordwell, M, Seeger, J. Lee, W. C. Dement, J. Barchas
    paper presented before the Association for Psychophysiological Study of Sleep, Denver, 1968.
  • 50 - M. Jouvet
    Arch. Ital. Biol. 100, 125 (1962).
  • 51 - G Carli and A. Zanchett
    ibid. 103, 751 (1965)- G. Rossi Electroencephalog. Clin. Neurophysiol. 14, 428 (1962).
  • 52 - P. H. Hashimoto, T. Maeda, K, Toru, N.Shimizu
    Med. J. Osaka Univ. 12, 425 (1962).
  • 53 - J. Mouret, N. Frachon, A. Vilpulla, M. Jouvet
    Compt. Rend. Soc. Biol., in press.
  • 54 - M. Jouvet and F. Delorme
    ibid. 159, 895 (1965).
  • 55 - B. Roussel
    thesis, University of Lyons, (1967); A Buguet, P. Bobillier M. Jouvet Compt. Rend. Soc. Biol. 161, 2537 (1967).
  • 56 - It is interesting to note that, through administration for 6 to 12 weeks of synthetic diet free of phenylalanine and tyrosine (the aminoacids that are precursors of dopamine and noradrenalin) to patients with inoperable cancer, a systematic and selective decline of paradoxical sleep was obtained which was immediately reversed when tyrosine was there after added to the diet (H. L. Williams, B. K. Lester, J. D. Coulter, paper read before the Association for Psychophysiological Study of Sleep, Denver, 1968).
  • 57 - E. D. Weitzman, P. McGregor, C. Moore, J. Jacoby
    paper presented before the Association for Psychophysiological Study of Sleep, Denver, 1968; T. J. Crowley, E. S. Smith, O. F. Lewis, ibid.
  • 58 - S. Spector, A. Sjoerdsma, S. Udenfriend
    J. Pharmacol 147, 86 (1965).
  • 59 - J. L. Froment, D. Peyrethon-Duzan, M. Jouvet
    Compt. Rend. Soc. Biol., in press.
  • 60 - M. Goldstein, B. Anagnoste, E. Lauber, M.R. McKereghare
    Life Sci. Oxford 3, 763 (1964) .
  • 61 - A. Carlsson
    in Biogenic Amines, H. E. Himwich and W. A. Himwich Eds. (Elsevier Amsterdam, ]964), pp. 9-2;.
  • 62 - D. Peyrethon-Duzan, J Peyrethon, M. Jouvet
    Compt. Rend. Soc. Biol. IC2, 116 (1968).
  • 63 - J. F. Pujol, J. Mouret, M. Jouvet, J. Glowinski
    Science 159 112 (1968).
  • 64 - T. Tokizane
    in Progress in Brain Research, T. Tokizane and J. P. Schade, Eds. (Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1966).
  • 65 - N. Khazan and C. H. Sawyer
    Psychopharmacologia 5, 457 (1964).
  • 66 - R. George, W. L. Haslett, D. J. Jenden
    Int. J. Neuropharmacol. 3, 541 (1964).
  • 67 - J. H. Burn and M. J. Rand.
    J. Rev. Pharmacol. 5, 163 (1965).
  • 68 - This and our related studies are supported by a grant from the Direction des Recherches et Moyens d'Essais, l'Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, and a grant (E.O.A.R. 62-67) from the European Office of Aerospace Research. I thank B. E. Jones for invaluable assistance in editing the English version of this article.