Biogenic Amines and the States of Sleep
Michel Jouvet
Science 163 (862) pages : 32-41 (1969)


The Four Major Concepts

Biogenic Amines and the Sleep States

Insomnia Following Selective Decrease of Cerebral Serotonin

The Problem of Paradoxical Sleep



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Figure 1 : Polygraphic recording of the adult cat, showing waking and the two states of sleep

  1. Waking: muscular activity of the neck (EMG), eye movements (EM), fast low-voltage activity of the occipItal. cortex (CX), and sharp waves in the lateral genicu late (LG) which accompany eye movements.
  2. Slow-wave sleep: decreased muscular activity of the neck, absence of eye movements, high-voltage slow waves on the cortex, and high-voltage geniculate waves which directly precede paradoxical sleep by 1 or 2 minutes
  3. Paradoxical sleep: total disappearance of EMG activity. together with rapid eye movements, fast low-voltage cortical activity. and clusters of high-voltage lateral geniculate waves. Each line represents l minute of recording; amplitude calibra tion, 50 microvolts.

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