Paradoxical Sleep - A Study of its Nature and Mechanisms
Michel Jouvet
Progress In Brain Research Vol. 18 Sleep Mechanisms 1965
Evidence of the duality of the states of sleep

(a) EEG and behavioural findings

(b) Phylogenetic findings

(c) Ontogenetic findings

(d) Functional findings

(e) Structural findings

Mechanisms of paradoxical sleep

(a) Producing P.S. as a reflex

(b) Results of deafferentations

(c) Role of the hypothalamus and pituitary

(d) Deprivation of P.S. in the pontile animal

(e) Effects of temperature on P.S. in the pontile animal

(f) Action of gamma-butyrolactone (G.B.L.)

(g) Osmolarity of the blood and paradoxical sleep


(a) Duality of the states of sleep

(b) Mechanisms underlying the appearance of P.S.

Summary and Conclusions



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Figure 19 : Proportion of P.S. in pontile animals with and without hypothalamic island

Ordinate: Percentage of P.S. per 24 h (calculated from continuous Oneirograph recordings). Abscissa: Time in days. Continuous line: Pontile animals without hypothalamic island or substitutive therapy. Regular fall in P.S. and complete disappearance by 7th day (mean of 6 animals). Crosses: Pontile animal without hypothalamic island. The arrow shows the beginning of substitutive therapy (postpituitary extract and ACTH). Proportion of P.S. returns to normal by 15th day (mean of 3 animals). Dotted line: Pontile animal with hypothalamic island. A relative decrease in P.S. occurs about the 7th day. The average proportion of P.S. is 10% (mean of 15 animals).

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