Telencephalic and rhombencephalic sleep in the cat
Jouvet M.
The Nature of Sleep Ciba Foundation Symposium Churchill (1961)


Materials and methods


Topography of the systems responsible for the two stages of sleep

Mechanisms of the rhombencephalic phase of sleep




Printable version

Figure 9

Triggering of the rhombencephahc phase of sleep in an intact chronic cat (V2)

The horizontal line (S) signals the stimulation of the pontine reticular formation (300/sec.,1 millisecond, 0-80 volt, bipolar) for 11 seconds during the slow phase of sleep.

Note the appearance of fast activity at the cortical and reticular level, the total disappearance of the EMG activity of the neck muscles (E.M.G.), the acceleration and irregularity of the respiration (RESP.), and the appearance of rapid eye movements (O). This period of sleep lasted for 10 minutes.

The same phenomenon was reproduced five times in this recording session

The two recordings I and II are continuous.

C.S.M.; C.A.: sensory motor cortex; acoustic cortex.

F.R.: mesencephalic reticular formation.

Scale: 2 seconds, 50 microvolts.

Note the utility of polygraphic recording without which the fast cortical activity might be interpreted as an "arousal".