A Study of the Neurophysiological Mechanisms of Dreaming
M. Jouvet and D. Jouvet Electroenceph. Clin. Neurophysiol. 1963 Suppl. 24



Part 1

I. Two EEG patterns of physiological sleep in intact cats

II. The neural structures responsible for RPS

III. Structures responsible for somato-vegetative phenomena

IV. Mechanisms of the Rhombencephalic Phase of Sleep

V. Ontogenesis of the RPS

Part 2

A. Normal subjects

B. Patients with brain lesions




Printable version

Fig. 13 : Diagrammatic representation of the evolution of the sleep-wakefulness rhythm during the first 2 months in kittens

Diagrammatic representation of the
evolution of the sleep-wakefulness rhythm

Ordinate: Time (in weeks).

Abscissa: Relative percentage of sleep vs. wakefulness, calculated from 6 h of continuous recordings every day.

Vertical hatching: Behavioral RPS.

White horizontal lines signal the period during which there is no fast cortical activity during RPS.

Oblique hatching: Behavioral arousal.

White horizontal lines signal the period during which there is no tonic cortical arousal.

In white: Sleep with slow cortical activity but without EMG activity of the neck and without REM.

In dots: Classical SPS with slow cortical activity and EMG activity.

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